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16+ Publications
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Ureteric Obstructions – a complete study

Thesis MS General Surgery University of Bombay 1984

Urodynamics in Paediatric Surgery

Thesis Mch (Paediatric Surgery) University of Bombay 1986

Gastric torsion not such a rare entity

Matthew Omojola, Kalpana K. Patil et al
Annals of Saudi Medicine (11) no 2 1991

Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma within a choledochal cyst

Kalpana K. Patil et al
Canadian Association Of Radiologists Journal
(43) no 2 1992

Superior mesenteric artery syndrome – case report and review of literature

Kalpana K. Patil, et al
Paediatric Surgery International (7) 126-128 1992

Biochemical pathogenesis of liver dysfunction in surgical neonates

MSc thesis (University College London) 1997

Trends in Biochemistry 1998

Effect of pathological levels of hydrogen peroxide on control of ketogenic flux in hepatocytes isolated from neonatal rats

Biochemical pathogenesis of liver dysfunction in longterm TPN and sepsis

Proceedings of the 665th meeting of the biochemical society 1997

Impaired neonatal hepatic ketogenesis

P.A. Quant, C.V. Lascelles, K.J. New, K.K. Patil et al
Biochemical Society Transactions 1998

Congenital Urogenital anomalies for the gynaecologist , Patil K.K.and Malone P.S

The Year book of Obstetrics and Gynaecology vol 9 144-156 2001

Functioning adrenocortical neoplasms in children

K. K.Patil, P.G.Ransley, M. McCullagh, M. Malone, and L. Spitz
BJU Intl. (2002), 89, 562 – 565.

Patil KK, Wilcox DT, Samuel M, Duffy PG, Ransley PG, Gonzalez R.

Management of urinary extravasation in 18 boys with posterior urethral valves. J Urol. 2003 Apr;169(4):1508-11; discussion 1511.

Patil KK, Duffy PG, Woodhouse CR, Ransley PG.

Long-term outcome of Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy in boys with prune-belly syndrome. J Urol. 2004 Apr;171(4):1666-9.

Patil KK, J.Green, Duffy PG

Laparoscopy for impalpable testis BJU Int. 2005 Apr;95(5):704-8. Review.

Operative endoscopy and endoscopic surgery in infants and children. Chapter: Instruments used in urinary tract. Editors: Najmaldin / Rothenburg / Crabbe / Beasley

November 2005.

Management of foreskin conditions Statement of the working party BAPU,BAPS

November 2006

A ‘knotty’ problem Archives of Diseases in Children 2010

Undescended testes Good clinical care Foundation Journal 2010

Foreskin reconstruction for patients with Hypospadias: Optimising preoperative counselling and parental choice

N Wright, A Taghizadeh, K Patil, M Garriboli
Conference paper: European Paediatric Surgery Association (EUPSA) Congress 2016 Milan, Italy.

Intraoperative measurements to predict success of foreskin reconstruction in distal hypospadias repair: a single centre prospective series.

MacDonald A, P. Mishra, K Patil. Taghizadeh A, Garriboli M.
Conference paper: European Paediatric Surgery Association (EUPSA) Congress 2018 Paris, France.

Foreskin reconstruction at the time of single stage hypospadias repair: Is it a safe procedure?

Manuele R, Senni C, Patil K, Taghizadeh A, Garriboli M.
Int Urol Nephrol. 2019 Feb; 51 (2): 187 – 191

Native nephrectomy in the management of hypertension in children with kidney disease: a tool to improve blood pressure control

Roma Subhash Varik1, Arash Taghizadeh1, Massimo Garriboli1,2, Kalpana Patil1, Anu Paul1, Joanna Clothier3, Manish D. Sinha3, Pankaj Mishra1

Paediatric Surgery International 8 March 2021


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